Local Treatment Options

Eating Disorders Clinic at the QEII

Group and individual treatment for anyone 18+ living with any eating disorder.

  Call 902-473-6288

  Learn more

Community Mental Health Support

General mental health services including therapy and groups.

  Call 1-855-922-1122 toll-free

  Learn more


If you/your child are under the age of 19, Central Referral is the place to start.

  Call 902-464-4110 in Halifax

  Call 1-855-922-1122 toll-free

  Learn more

Additional Resources


A Guide to Discussing Your Concerns with Your Primary Health Care Provider

  Download/view document

A Guide to Discussing Your Concerns with Your Child’s Primary Health Care Provider

  Download/view document

A Parents’ and Caregivers’ Guide to Supporting Youth with Eating Disorders

  Download/view document

NEDIC – National Eating Disorders Information Centre

NEDIC provides information, resources, referrals across Canada.
Instant chat is available
9:00 am – 9:00 pm Monday – Thursday and
9:00 am – 5:00 pm on Friday.

  Learn more

Provincial Mental Health Crisis

If you or someone you care about are experiencing a crisis, please reach out to this toll-free line.

  Call 1-888-429-8167 toll-free

TAO – Therapy Assisted Online Self-Help

A self-paced online library of tools and videos designed to help with stress management, mindfulness, and problem solving.

  Learn more

ICAN – Conquer Anxiety and Nervousness

Online information and phone coaching designed to help you control anxiety.

  Learn more

We are a charitable organization and your generous donations fuel recovery.